



Advances in noise source localization for environmental noise measurements
Using 3D sound intensity probes for greater precision and efficiency in noise monitoring

For more than forty years, environmental noise assessment has involved recording time history data and tagging events either manually or using software. Recent technological advances have introduced methods that improve the accuracy and efficiency of this process. One important development is the use of a 3D sound intensity probe to determine the azimuth and height of noise events with high precision. This approach is particularly effective in free-field conditions and minimizes the need for extensive post-processing. The accuracy and validity of the measurements depend on the specific characteristics of the sound field. Research shows that valid measurements can be obtained when a predominant noise source is present.

Authors: Aflalo, Erik; Hupp, Thomas
Inter-Noise 2024

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作者:Schmidle, Gregor
ISEAT 2023

2020, November

What defines a Sound Level Meter in the US has changed.
ANSI/ASA S1.4 equals IEC 61672. Understanding the differences.

What had been previously described as “The Atlantic Divide” in sound level meters (SLM) is gone. With the adoption of ANSI/ASA S1.4 (all three parts) from IEC 61672 (all three parts) in July 2014, the harmonization of the ANSI and ISO standard for Sound Level Meters is complete. Users of SLMs do not need to be expert in the details. However, a good understanding of the new regulation is needed if measurement results are ever challenged. We will review the new regulation from an end-user’s view. We will describe what documentation verifies that a Class 1 sound level meter fulfills ANSI/ASA S1.4. Each part of ANSI/ASA S1.4/IEC 61672 has its intended audience from the SLM designer/manufacturer, accreditation body, to the calibration laboratory.

Author: MacMillan, Brian; Nigsch, Berno

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文中还讨论了不同类型麦克风对测试系统的要求。以及麦克风信号的各类特殊格式,如 MEMS 麦克风的 PDM 格式或车载麦克风的 A2B 格式等。

作者:Schmidle, Gregor; Beach, Mark; MacMillan, Brian
ISEAT 2019*

2018, October

Challenges and Best Practices for Microphone End-of-Line Testing

Due to the increasing use of microphones in many applications such as automotive or artificial intelligence, the demand for fast and reliable microphone test processes is growing. This paper covers various aspects of the design of an end-of-line microphone test system. A prevailing challenge is to properly control the sound source, as loudspeakers have a tendency to vary their performance due to many influences. The acoustic environment for the test must provide reproducible conditions and is ideally anechoic. Noise from outside must be damped across the measurement bandwidth, so that it doesn’t affect the results. Different testing requirements for various types of microphones are shown. Different methods for defining limit criteria are discussed.

Author: Schmidle, Gregor; Beach, Mark; MacMillan, Brian
AES Paper Number 10096




作者:Schmidle, Gregor; Köck, Gerd; MacMillan, Brian
ISEAT 2017

2017, June

EOL Testing of Acoustic Devices

A Truly Multidisciplinary Task

This article describes the challenges of keeping up yield and quality in a high-volume acoustic device production environment. It highlights several aspects such as limit definition, test jig design, data handling, system replication, system maintenance and many more.

Author: Schmidle, Gregor
2017 Loudspeaker Industry Sourcebook, page 32-36




《环境工程》2016 年 5 月增刊



PureSoundTM 纯音测试系统的瞬态分析技术为完全创新的以量测信号位准瞬间上升与下降的斜率以及幅度为方法,来检测音频信号所附带的异音,以 Steepness 值和 Pa/s 单位表示其幅度。 PureSoundTM 纯音测试系统连续地将信号微分和整流了并计算出 Steepness 值,可以检测出时域信号很小的变动,亦即检测微小但又困扰人的异音。 要激发待测扬声器进行异音检测,必须用连续的 Chirp(Gliding Sweep,滑频)信号,滑频信号是唯一能够涵盖可能产生异音所有频点进行检测的方式。 它的必要性是因为异音失真通常是在非常窄的个别共振频点,因此不能像扫频信号那样会漏掉任何可能产生异音失真的频点。 NTi Audio AG 推出 RT-Speaker 扬声器测试系统, 与 RT-Microphone 传声器测试系统:1)RT-Speaker:分析扬声器受话器,耳机等因非线性产生的异音;2)RT-Microphone:瞬态分析技术也被应用测量传声器所产生非线性瞬态失真。

《电声技术》2016 年第 40 卷第 2 期



风力发电机组由于旋转的风机叶片和空气的摩擦声所产生的噪声污染对一定范围内的敏感区群众的生理与心理都将产生不利的影响,因此我们需要对风力发电站噪声环境进行研究与评估。本文通过对对澳大利亚堪培拉附近的风电站附近的居民区进行详细的噪声评估:使用了专业的环境噪声自动监测系统,基于IEC 61400-11:2002风力涡轮发电系统--第11部分:噪声测量技术标准(对应 GB/T 22516-2008 ),最终得到了详实的测量数据,并对风电站的环境噪声测量数据进行了较为详实的技术分析。这不仅有助于保障人民群众的健康需求,对企业完善风电机组的噪声控制更具有重要的现实意义。

《环境工程》2015 年 5 月第 33 卷




作者:Schmidle, Gregor; Schwizer, Philipp; Häns, Winfried
ISEAT 2015




《电声技术》2014 年第 38 卷第 12 期

2014, October

Retrofitting a complex, safety-critical PA system for periodic testing

The paper describes considerations and the implementation of retrofitting a fully-automated procedure, for testing a public address system, into a safety-critical environment (a nuclear power plant). There are over 4000 loudspeakers, about 200 amplifiers as well as various alarm-signal generators that need to be tested every day within a few minutes. Additionally, all command room microphones are checked using a semi-automated procedure. The procedures were designed and configured to not only reliably detect single defective components, but also to not produce any false alarms.

Authors: Schmidle, Gregor; Schwizer, Philipp; Häns, Winfried
AES Paper Number 9117


扩声系统语言传输指数 STIPA 论述


《电声技术》2014 年第 38 卷 第 8 期




ISEAT 2013

2013, October

End-of-line Test concepts to achieve and maintain yield and quality in high volume loudspeaker production

Managing high volume, multiple line and location loudspeaker production is a challenging task that requires interdisciplinary skills. This paper offers concepts for designing and maintaining end-of-line test systems that help to achieve and maintain consistent yield and quality. Topics covered include acoustic and electrical test parameter selection, mechanical test jig design, limit finding strategies, fault-tolerant workflow creation, test system calibration and environmental influence handling as well as utilizing statistics and statistic process control.

Author: Schmidle, Gregor
AES Paper Number 8990

2012, October

Overview and Comparison of and Guide to Audio Measurement Methods

Modern audio analyzers offer a large number of measurement functions using various measurement methods. This paper categorizes measurement methods from several perspectives. The underlying signal processing concepts, as well as strengths and weaknesses of the most popular methods are listed and assessed for various aspects. The reader is offered guidance for choosing the optimal measurement method based on the specific requirements and application.

Authors: Schmidle, Gregor; Zanatta, Danilo
AES Paper Number 8705



一个典型的扬声器最终测试需要测量包含10 个或者更多的参数,每个参数都有其对应的允差来判定扬声器是否通过测试,进而影响产线的合格率。本文介绍了工业上常用允差计算方法和步骤,并为选择正确的允差方案来实现合格率、质量以及产量的最大化,提供了系统的指导。

ISEAT 2011

2011, October

A Systematic Approach to Measurement Limit Definitions in Loudspeaker Production

A typical end-of-line loudspeaker test comprises ten or more different parameters tested. Each parameter has its own pass/fail limits contributing to the overall test result of the loudspeaker and therefore to the yield of the production line. This paper gives a comprehensive overview about commonly used limit calculation methods and procedures in the industry. It also delivers systematic guidance for choosing the right limit scheme for maximizing yield, quality and throughput.

Author: Schmidle, Gregor
AES Paper Number 8472

2010, November

A Reliable Procedure for Polarity Measurements on Line Arrays

The performance of a line array strongly depends on the correct installation of its loudspeakers. For instance, a single speaker with incorrect polarity may clearly compromise the sound level and directivity of the whole system. The identification of such errors however can be very time consuming. Therefore, it is desirable to have a fast, yet reliable procedure to finding such array elements. This paper presents a step-by-step method to check the integrity of a line array, and to find the cause in case of a polarity problem. Besides the theoretical background, a successful practical case is described.

Authors: Becker, Markus; Schmidle, Gregor
AES Paper Number 8156

2009, October

Design Optimizations for a High Performance Handheld Audio Analyzer

All types of advanced mobile devices share certain design challenges. For example, they must incorporate a powerful-enough embedded processor system to support a full featured easy-to-use human interface at low power consumption. But designing a multi-function handheld audio analyzer then adds even more unique challenges based upon further professional requirements. These include extremely low measurement noise floor, safely and precisely handle wide voltage measurement range (absolute and dynamic), compatibility with measurement microphones and other input sources, adherence to a wide variety of necessary international and industry standards for measurement. Additional requirements include the efficient display of complex data onto a restricted size display, and efficient and safe operation in many different locations and physical environments. These place further design burdens on the user interface and the instrument package, respectively.

Author: Becker, Markus
AES Paper Number 7908

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